So, we’re assuming if you made it this far to land on our website, you might be convinced or even just really curious about essential oils. Whichever you are, it’s a good place to be!

We’d love to answer your questions and join you on your journey to natural health and wellbeing with essential oils. You can read our blog for interesting essential oil tips, tricks, uses and recipes, stories, testimonials and lots more. If you have specific oil-related questions or would like to purchase oils from us at retail price, feel free to contact us. We would love to help and support you as best we can.

On the other hand, if you are ready to dive in and join dōTERRA as a wholesale member to start building up your own oil supply (be it for health and wellness, sleep, emotional balance, or non-toxic cleaning), earn points that you can redeem for products, or start earning a side income, then read on…

Let’s get started.

To join our team, follow this link. In the menu/navigation bar, click on “Join and Save”. Scroll down and click “Join dōTERRA”. Select your language/country.
Choose either “Wellness Advocate” or “Wholesale Customer” and click “Continue”. Save BIG either way (25% off!). If you are interested in the business side of dōTERRA, you can earn commission in addition to your 25% discount by registering as a wellness advocate.
Fill in your details and shipping address. Make sure the Enroller and Sponsor ID fields reflect the number 8079387. If not, you’ll join some random team and we won’t be able to plug you into our support network! 😳
Choose your enrollment kit (best value for money!) OR choose the R445 enrollment option and fill your cart with your own items. Checkout!
Join the Loyalty Rewards Programme (LRP) by creating a monthly shopping cart template that you can customise at any time. This is the BEST way to order products going forward as you will earn points that you can then spend on products! It’s basically like air miles, but better, because you can’t get free essential oils with air miles 😉 Get in touch once you’ve signed up so we can plug you into our support network!