Hi! We’re so happy you came to virtually visit us and find out more about who’s behind Back to the Sōurce.

In a nutshell, we are three lifelong friends who just so happen to also be sisters 😉 We are passionate about the power of essential oils and we believe it is one of the greatest gifts God has blessed us with.

Meet Ilse

Ilse is an avid writer and traveller with a love for people and their stories. Though she has ticked 18 countries and countless experiences off her bucket list, she still has plenty that she wants to do and see in the time God has given her on earth. Ilse is passionate about building lasting relationships with people from all walks of life.

Travel not only gives her the opportunity to meet new people, but also allows her to experience new cultures and all that comes with that – be it tastes, traditions, smells, or emotions. “By immersing myself in other cultures, I’ve always felt that I walk away different – enriched and often challenged,” she says.

Experiencing the powerful effects of dōTERRA essential oils first-hand when she was flat on her back with flu-like symptoms, she was instantly intrigued. What followed was an incredible journey of discovering the physical and emotional support essential oils offer us.

“What a gift to be able to utilise something God so beautifully and intricately created and experiencing its benefits every single day!”

Ilse also fell completely in love with the company’s sourcing model as she feels she is instantly a part of something bigger than herself.

“Learning how dōTERRA supports farmers and communities in some of the poorest parts on the planet just excites me on another level!”

Meet San-Marié

Mother of three and married to her best friend and love of her life, San-Marié loves nature, hiking, running, swimming and good coffee.

“I believe that life is a precious gift from God, and He provides us with everything we need. Our responsibility is to live life to the fullest, with respect and awe, and to look after this precious gift.”

“I have always loved smelling things: carton boxes, wood shavings, that earthy scent when rain falls on dry soil… I cannot walk past a flower, or read a book without smelling it!”

That might be reason why she’s always loved aromatherapy and essential oils. But the reason she’s become so obsessed with pure essential oils is because she has been blown away by just how powerful they can be in all areas of life, if you use the real thing.

Learning more about this and hearing the many testimonies of friends and family who have had amazing results in addressing health and emotional concerns using essential oils, puts a big smile on her face.

Being a bit of a sceptic herself, San-Marié believes that everyone needs to go on their own journey in discovering and testing what works for them and their family, instead of trusting everything they read or what others say.

“We are here to support you on your journey to discover what works for you. I am so excited to be part of this exciting voyage and to share my experience and knowledge with everyone I meet.”

Meet Marilize

Marilize is a wife and a mom of two boys.

She loves the beauty and tranquility of nature, going for walks, reading, writing, a good coffee (to accompany all the above-mentioned) and spending time with family and friends over a meal.

She believes that life with all it’s beauty and hardships, is a gift from God and therefore is passionate about doing life alongside Him.

Essential oils, essentially also a God-given gift, has been a real life changer for Marilize and her family.

“Only ever enjoying the fragrance of oils when visiting my sisters or a spa, my journey got kick started when really desperate for solutions to anxiety, depression and sensory processing difficulties.”

Since then, she couldn’t help but talk to people about it and sharing oils and her journey with it has become a real joy.

Why dōTERRA?

We’ve come to know and trust dōTERRA for more than one reason.
  • Firstly, dōTERRA’s essential oils are superior quality, meaning they are pure, potent and safe.
  • Secondly, we love that the company is so transparent about everything from their sourcing to their testing to their business model.
  • Thirdly, their sourcing model! The company truly has a unique sourcing model and it’s one of the reasons we trust them, love them and choose to support them. They do not own any of their own farms, but instead partner with local farmers all over the globe and thus transform whole communities.
  • Last but not least, support. Getting started with essential oils should feel ‘au naturel’ but in fact it can be daunting. We are so thankful for the supportive dōTERRA community that help and teach us along the way.