Oil ideas & tips

Jasmine in a bottle

One of my absolute favourite aromas is that of the common Jasmine. Whenever I come across a Jasmine plant I would pick a cluster of the white flowers and take it with me, regularly inhaling its exotic scent. When I was a little girl, a Jasmine vine found its way creeping up the burglar bars of my bedroom window. I was so excited and kept the window open so that it may creep into my room and fill it up with its sweet fragrance. Sadly someone discovered this open window after a while and so that fantasy came to an end. 😄

I always wished I could somehow bottle up that fragrance. For me, owning essential oils are like having the scent of flowers bottled up to take with me wherever I go.

Just like smelling a bunch of Jasmine flowers, one can inhale essential oils directly from the bottle. This is probably the easiest and most cost-effective way to use essential oils for their aromatic properties.

Another convenient way is to simply put a drop of essential oils into your hand, rub your palms together, then cup your hands around your nose and inhale deeply. (Note: Be careful with “hot oils”, like Oregano, which should be diluted before inhaling directly.)

I also like to wear my favourite essential oils somewhere I can smell it throughout the day, like behind my ears, in my hair, on my chest or on my wrists – like a perfume. Applying essential oils to the skin and pulse points has its own amazing benefits.

Another popular method is to diffuse the oil into the air. An essential oil diffuser takes an oil and transforms it into a fine, microscopic mist of oil droplets – dispersing the oil (and the scent) through the air. Not only does diffusion make the oil accessible to the body, but research indicates that there are also air purification benefits when diffusing oils. (Note: When diffusing oils, make sure you use one that does not use heat, as that can alter their delicate chemistry. Have pets? Read this article to make sure you use your diffuser and oils safely around your furry friends.)

A method that is really effective for respiratory challenges is steaming or a hot water vapor. When you inhale peppermint, eucalyptus or perhaps dōTERRA’s respiratory blend, Breathe™, from a steaming cup of water with a towel over your head, it can help cool and invigorate, promoting feelings of easy breathing.

When essential oils are used aromatically, they can create a relaxing and calm atmosphere, improve mood and purify the air. In this post we briefly looked at some of the most popular methods that will allow you to experience the aromatic benefits of essential oils through the air, however there are countless more creative ways. Here is a great free eBook by dōTERRA about the aromatic use of essential oils. Chapter 4 talks about safety and fun stuff like making a good diffuser blend.

What are your favourite ways to use essential oils for its aromatic benefits?

If you want to learn more about using essential oils aromatically, feel free to contact us or leave a comment below.

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