Parenting Testimonials

Growing pains

One night, a few months ago, I woke up at 1am from a horrific scream. My 4 year old boy had severe growing pains. This was not the first time. Both my boys get them quite often and at the most random times. I would sit there in the dark half asleep and rub their legs vigorously – and get a few kicks in the face while I’m at it. A truly exhausting experience. In those moments it’s so easy to reach for the panado.

On this particular night, things were different. I was prepared with a blend I made with dōTERRA’s Deep Blue and Copaiba essential oil. As usual I massaged his leg, but the comforting aroma and soothing sensation of the oils seemed to bring relief almost immediately. 

dōTERRA’s Deep Blue is a blend that naturally reduces pain and inflammation. Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus work together to soothe and cool. Copaiba is an oil that is extracted from mature trees between 30 to 50 years in age and considered one of the most anti- inflammatory substances on earth. It is used for pain and muscle cramps and even anxiety and sleep issues. 

This is now our go-to for nights like that. And when we were on a strenuous hike I would massage it on before bedtime time as a preventative measure. I had to make it the official “growing pains blend” of our house and be clear of what I mix in there because of what happened on another night…

I was busy with the baby while our 4 year old boy was having a growing pain melt-down.  My sweet husband, having witnessed the magic of the essential oil blend, reached for something he thought looks like the ideal oil for the situation:  ClaryCalm. “This would calm him right down”, he thought. Those of you who knows this amazing blend by dōTERRA will know that it’s a very powerful and strong smelling “monthly blend for women”, as dōTERRA calls it.  Not only was this precious blend way too strong smelling for our boy, but he managed to get some into his eye, which just escalated the entire thing. Luckily hubby knows that if you get any essential oils onto a sensitive part of your body, you absolutely DO NOT try to get it off with water – or anything else for that matter – than a carrier oil such as olive oil or Fractionated coconut oil. 

Side note: I’m pleased to say that after that palava, my husband did not give up on using essential oils. In fact, he has shown even more interest in getting educated about the oils. I’ve spotted him sitting on the side of our bed in the middle of the night, vigorously rolling on the sleep blend I made him for his insomnia, all over himself, and cupping his hands and inhaling deeply a few times. It’s really working for him. One night he woke me up in a panic when he couldn’t find his roller blend, and I happily mixed a drop of Serenity and Vetiver with fractionated coconut oil for him and massaged it into his neck and pulse points. 20mins later he was soundly sleeping. 

What an amazing tool and gift these oils have been to help my family get the rest they need to be happy, healthy humans.

If you would like to learn more about the power of dōTERRA essential oils for aches and pains, calming down and getting a good night’s rest, drop me a comment below.

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  1. Arista Midwinter says:

    Love this! So informative and useful!

    I’ve lost my sense of smell and taste due to Covid San-Marie and in the process to relearn smells by gently sniffing essential oils a few times a day now. I can identify most of the 6 I’m using fir my smell training. Do you know which essential oil might be useful to add to my regime to help with inflammation and the healing of my olfactory glands? I’m desperate to find a cure. Sadly doctors haven’t yet so anything as natural as possible is hopefully a source to cure this awful long term Covid symptom. ❤️

    1. So glad you found it informative Arista! Sorry to hear that you had Covid. It must have been challenging, and I’ve heard from so many people that they struggle to get their sense of smell and taste back long after they have recovered. The smell therapy sounds really cool! I am curious to know what the 6 oils are that you have been using. First ones that comes to mind would be citrus oils like Wild Orange or Lemon, and then Peppermint, Geranium, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Clove… dōTERRA have an amazing oil called On Guard, which would be fantastic as it contains wild orange, clove, cinnamon bark/leaf, eucalyptus leaf (Eucalyptus globulus) AND rosemary! My favourite oils for inflammation include Frankincense, Turmeric and Peppermint. All the best for your journey and please keep us updated on your progress! ❤️

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