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Pregnant with the flu – how oregano essential oil helped me get better super fast

When I was pregnant with my third baby, I got the flu that later developed into sinusitis. I remember feeling so ill that I couldn’t even sit up in bed to do some work on my computer. My eyes and face ached, I couldn’t smell a thing, and felt tired and weak. To be honest I cannot remember what my two boys were up to, I vaguely remember them hanging out with me on the bed at times and falling asleep with me in our bed. It was during this time that I first discovered the healing power of essential oils when used topically (and also internally, but I’ll talk about that in another post;)).

Night time cuddles with mom sick in bed.

A friend of mine and her toddler had the same flu just before me, and seemed to have gotten over it surprisingly fast. I messaged her to ask for some tips on getting better quicker, except for the usual resting, liquids, saline rinsing, and Vitamin C (all of which I was doing already). Her reply was that they use lots of essential oils at their house, especially oregano with flu. I was quite surprised at her reply, and remember asking “Do you drink it or rub it or burn it or vaporise it?”  “I drink it (which is NASTY)”, she replied, “but I also mix it with a few other oils in a roller bottle. I roll it on my spine and the bottoms of my feet. I would not recommend buying the oil in the shops. Those are typically synthetic.” And she offered to bring me some that same day!

My friend brought me a 5ml bottle of oregano essential oil and a 10ml roller blend that included lemon, melaleuca and oregano.  She instructed me to apply the roller blend on the back of my neck, on my spine and/or bottoms of my feet for a less invasive oil treatment. And if I felt REALLY brave I could take a drop of oregano oil in half a glass of water. 

Taking oregano, which is a “hot oil” did not taste good, so I stuck with the roller blend and applied it regularly. By the next afternoon I suddenly smelled pizza everywhere – all over the bedding, on my clothes. I realised it was the oregano in the roller blend, but more excitingly, I could smell again! I felt tons better. This is when I knew that there is more to these oils than just smelling pleasant…ok so I’m not so crazy about the smell of oregano, but if it works, it works! 

Essential oils during pregnancy? Is that safe?

Many women are concerned about this topic, and it’s important to consult your doctor before using essential oils during pregnancy. Once you’ve talked with your doctor about your pregnancy and essential oils, you can start to safely use essential oils during pregnancy.  dōTERRA essential oils are safe and gentle, and can reduce nausea, aches and anxiety. Here is a list of some of my favourite dōTERRA essential oils for pregnancy:

Again it’s important to choose essential oils that are CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade®. This means that the oils will be 100% pure and natural, and do not contain fillers or artificial ingredients that would dilute the active qualities.

Below are links to some more great free resources where you can learn more about the using essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding from a trustworthy source, including some guidelines and safety tips.   

If you would like to hear more about the ways in which I used essential oils to support me during my pregnancy, home birth and postpartum, please send me a message on +27828656054 and we can schedule a chat in person or over Zoom. 

Great free resources

  1. Empowered Life Series: Pregnancy Tips – Tips for a healthy pregnancy and how essential oils can help support expecting mothers.
  2. How to Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy – Learn how to use essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding

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